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FDA Certification

Okai International is an independent third-party testing organization headquartered in Hong Kong. The laboratory is in strict accordance with ISO/IEC17025, GUIDE25 and EN45001The establishment of an international laboratory management organization with a group of experienced inspection engineers and professional sales teams, and numerous national laboratories. It has good cooperation with professional testing centers and authoritative certification agencies. Get the authoritative certification for the shortest time and the most reasonable cost.



The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is one of the executive agencies established by the U.S. government in the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and the Department of Public Health (PHS). As a scientific regulator, FDA's responsibility is to ensure the safety of food, cosmetics, medicines, biological agents, medical equipment and radiological products produced or imported by the United States. It was one of the earliest federal agencies whose main function was to protect consumers.
This institution is closely related to the lives of every American citizen. Internationally, FDA is recognized as one of the largest food and drug regulatory agencies in the world. Many other countries promote and monitor the safety of their products by seeking and receiving FDA assistance.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is in charge of the supervision and inspection of food, drugs (including veterinary drugs), medical devices, food additives, cosmetics, animal food and drugs, wine and beverages with alcohol content less than 7%, and electronic products, including cosmetics, radiated products, combination products and other electrical products related to personal health and safety. Subproducts and medical products. Testing, testing and certification of ionic and non-ionic radiation impacts on human health and safety during the use or consumption of products. According to the regulations, the above products can only be sold on the market after they have been certified safe by FDA inspection.
Foreign food production and processing enterprises that must be registered with FDA under the US Public Law 107-188 are as follows:
1. Alcohol and alcoholic beverages;
2. Food for infants and children;
3. Bread and pastry;
4. Drinks;
5. Candy (including chewing gum);
6. Cereals and ready-to-eat cereals;
7. Cheese and cheese products;
8. Chocolate and cocoa;
9. Coffee and tea products;
10. Food pigments;
11. Weight-loss routine foods, medicinal foods and meat substitutes;
12. Supplementary food (i.e. domestic healthy food, vitamin drugs and Chinese herbal medicine products);
13. Condiments;
14. Fish and seafood;
15. Placing materials and products in food and in direct contact with food;
16. Food additives and safe food ingredients;
17. Food substitutes for sugar;
18. Fruits and fruit products;
19. Edible glue, lactase, pudding and stuffing;
20. Ice cream and related foods;
21. Imitated dairy products;
22. Macaroni and noodles;
23. Meat, meat and poultry products;
24. Milk, butter and dry dairy products;
25. Dinner food and brine, sauce and special products;
26. Dried fruits and kernels;
27. Shelled eggs and egg products;
28. Snacks (flour, meat and vegetables);
29. Chili pepper, special taste and salt, etc.
30. Soup;
31. Soft drinks and canned water;
32. Vegetables and vegetable products;
33. Vegetable oil (including olive oil);
34. Vegetable protein products (square meat products);
35. Whole wheat food and flour-processed food, starch, etc.
36. Products mainly or wholly for human consumption;

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Office address:Room 1205, Tai Sang Bank building, 130-132 des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong