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DOT Certification in USA

Okai International is an independent third-party testing organization headquartered in Hong Kong. The laboratory is in strict accordance with ISO/IEC17025, GUIDE25 and EN45001The establishment of an international laboratory management organization with a group of experienced inspection engineers and professional sales teams, and numerous national laboratories. It has good cooperation with professional testing centers and authoritative certification agencies. Get the authoritative certification for the shortest time and the most reasonable cost.


Introduction to DOT
DOT is the abbreviation of the United States Department of Transportation, headquartered in Washington. As a functional department of the U.S. government, the U.S. Department of Transportation develops and improves traffic and transportation-related laws and regulations to meet environmental and defense needs. At the same time, the Department of Transportation is a basic Department of its federal government, responsible for formulating and managing policies and projects to protect and improve transportation systems. Safety, appropriateness and effectiveness of services. The Department of Transportation has a large organizational structure, a wide range of functional departments, covering various fields of affairs, including the Federal Highway Administration, the Railway Transportation Administration, the Federal Aviation Administration, the Maritime Administration, and the Office of the Attorney General. It employs 60,000 people in the United States.
The responsibility of the US Department of Transportation is to formulate traffic regulations, make a series of regulations on all kinds of vehicles and dangerous goods entering the United States, and issue relevant certificates of accreditation.
According to DOT requirements, vehicles exported to the United States (cars, trucks, trailers, buses, motorcycles, etc.) and their components (brake hoses, brake fluid, lamps, tires, seat belts, seats, helmet, triangular warning signs, etc.) must be registered with the United States Department of Transportation for approval before they can enter the market.

Authentication characteristics
DOT certification in the United States and EEC certification in the European Union are totally different certification systems. The United States is actually a developed market. Europe belongs to the type of approval. In contrast, DOT certification has the following characteristics:
1. The United States publishes all its standards, regulations and bills free of charge.
2. It is a self-certification procedure, in which the manufacturer determines whether the product meets the standards according to the laws and regulations published by the manufacturer.
3. In the process of certification, the enterprise is responsible for its data, and DOT does not supervise the whole testing process.
4. The Ministry of Communications will not issue any certificate to the applicant.
5. Wide entry and strict exit: annual conformity test is a powerful means to check the validity of the self-certification of the manufacturer;
6. Market surveillance is very strict. Relevant agencies in the United States will conduct spot checks in the market every year. Once found to be inconsistent, penalties will be quite severe.
7. The connection between the Ministry of Communications and the manufacturers is implemented through the agents of the manufacturers in the United States. More consultation with Hangzhou Weiwo Engineer

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Office address:Room 1205, Tai Sang Bank building, 130-132 des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong