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Contents and Requirements of 3C Certification Factory Inspec

返回列表 来源:本站 发布日期:2019-07-15【
For the factory that first applies for CCC certification, it is necessary to do the first factory inspection:
First, CCC factory inspection content: factory quality assurance capability + product consistency inspection.
1. Factory Quality Assurance Ability Review
First of all, it needs to be clear that CCC factory inspection is carried out according to the requirements of "Factory Quality Assurance Capability Requirements". Specific details: Factory Quality Assurance Capability Requirements
2. Product Consistency Check
Check the consistency of the products applying for certification, with emphasis on the following contents:
(1) The consistency between the label (nameplate) of the certified product and the type test report;
(2) The conformity of the structure and type test samples of the certified products;
(3) To certify the consistency of the List of Important Components/Components of Certified Products with the Type Test Report;
(4) On-site inspection shall be carried out according to the Routine Inspection Items and Confirmation Inspection Items List.
It should be emphasized that product consistency inspection is the biggest focus of CCC factory inspection, and it is "high voltage line". If there is a problem in product consistency inspection, it will often lead to the failure of factory inspection directly.
3. CCC Factory Inspection Mode
(1) CCC's initial factory inspection can be carried out independently or in combination with supervision and inspection.
(2) CCC's first factory inspection is usually conducted by two factory inspectors for one day. Supervisory inspection is usually conducted by two factory inspectors for half a day. Of course, sometimes one day is needed to see the specific situation.
(3) Factory inspection includes both document inspection and on-site inspection. Two factory inspectors have a division of labor, one is biased towards document inspection, the other is biased towards on-site inspection.
II. Time required for CCC plant inspection
In general, the initial factory inspection is carried out after the type test is qualified. The time required for factory inspection shall be determined according to the number of units of the products to be certified, and the scale of the factory shall be taken into account appropriately. Generally, one to four person days are required for each processing site. General electrical products, the number of factories does not exceed 100 people, generally two factory inspectors review a day. The specific inspection time is given in the "Special Requirements for Implementation Rules of Product Certification" of the corresponding products. The auditor's travel time is calculated on a daily basis of half a working day, which is not within the number of persons/days listed above.
III. CCC Factory Inspection Expenses
In accordance with the requirements of factory inspection for certified products, the certification authority collects factory inspection fees from the enterprises applying for certification when conducting document inspection, on-site examination and issuing factory inspection reports. The factory inspection fee is 2500 yuan per working day for each supervisory auditor. The number of auditors/days shall be in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Accreditation and Supervision Commission. The auditor's round trip transportation expenses shall be borne by the enterprises applying for certification. No board and lodging fees are charged to the enterprises applying for certification.
In actual operation, the most common product is to charge 2.5 person-days CCC factory inspection fee, that is, 2500 * 2.5 = 6250 yuan. Two out of 2.5 are the one-day fees for two people, and 0.5 is actually the cost of meals and travel charged by the certification authority.