An Analysis of the Impact of Britain's De-Europeanization on (1)欧盟于近日就英国脱欧影响发布,从2019年3月30日开始,所有在英国境内的公告机构都将不能进行CE认证工作,所有英国的产品、厂商以及认证机构都将不再适用欧盟的自由流通政策。...
What information do you need to prepare for applying for FCC (1)FCC全称美国联邦通讯委员会FederalCommunicationsCommission。直接对国会负责,通过控制无线电广播、电视、电信、卫星和电缆来协调国内和国际的通信,负责授权和管理除联邦政府使用之外的...
What are the requirements of 3C certification? (1)许多刚接触3C认证的朋友,都比较困惑3C认证具体有哪些条件,担心自己的工厂或者生产的产品无法拿到3C认证证书,现就这个问题,罗列一下3C认证的一些基本条件,如下: 条件一:必...
Contents and Requirements of 3C Certification Factory Inspec (1)对于初次申请CCC认证的工厂,需要做初次工厂检查: 一、CCC工厂检查内容:工厂质量保证能力+产品一致性检查。 1.工厂质量保证能力审查 首先需要明确的是,CCC工厂检查是依据《工...
How much does ETL certification cost? (1)ETL is North Americas most dynamic security authentication marks, by Thomas Edison was founded in 1896 is the OSHA (the occupational safety and health administration) approved by the NRTL (national la···...
ETL certification process and materials to be prepared! (1)ETL certification process 1. Prediction: about 1 week 2. It will take about one week to make the payment in time and sort out the documents 3. Eyewitness test: 1 week 4. There is no problem after the ···...
What is the ETL certification test method for the product? (1)ETL is the most dynamic safety certification mark in North America. The ETL mark is the exclusive mark of Intertek group, the worlds leading quality and safety organization. The product representative···...
How much does UL certification cost? (1)UL certification is a highly recognized certification worldwide. Although UL certification is not mandatory in the United States, in fact, it is difficult to find a market for products without UL cert···...
What does UL certification mean? (1)UL is English (abbreviated UnderwriterLaboratoriesInc.) by underwriters laboratories. UL safety testing is the nations most authoritative and one of the worlds largest private institutions engaged in ···...
How to apply for UL certification and what is the process? (1)UL certification in the United States is a non-mandatory certification, mainly for product safety performance inspection and certification, the scope of which does not include the product EMC (electro···...
What does a third-party certification testing agency do? (1)可能刚接触外贸行业的新人不是很明白什么是第三方认证机构,第三方认证机构是做什么的?这里为大家解答什么是第三方认证机构,第三方认证机构是做什么的? 什么是第三方认证机...
How to choose a third party testing agency? (1)With the continuous strengthening of market supervision and the continuous development of economic globalization, testing and certification of products in market sales has become an irreversible trend···...
The latest development of national standards for household a (1)Update of applicable standards for mandatory product certification of household appliances, details are as follows: GB 4343.1-2018 is officially released and will be implemented soon Electromagnetic c···...
What is the American FCC certification test process? (1)Electrical/electronic equipment manufacturers that sell their products in the United States must ensure that their equipment does not cause electromagnetic interference with other products or harm the···...
What are the basics of CE certified EMC testing? (1)Basic knowledge of CE certification EMC test: (1) in the field of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), why is decibel (dB) always used? Answer: because of the wide range of amplitudes and frequencies ···...
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